Xov xwm

  • Yuav ua li cas ua compost los ntawm cov nroj tsuag

    Yuav ua li cas ua compost los ntawm cov nroj tsuag

    Nroj tsuag los yog nyom nyom yog ib qho muaj zog heev nyob rau hauv lub ntuj ecosystem.Peb feem ntau tshem tawm cov nroj tsuag kom ntau li ntau tau thaum lub sij hawm ua liaj ua teb los yog ua teb.Tab sis cov nyom uas raug tshem tawm tsis yog tsuas yog muab pov tseg xwb tab sis tuaj yeem ua tau zoo compost yog tias ua kom zoo.Kev siv cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo hauv ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • 5 lub tswv yim los ua compost hauv tsev

    5 lub tswv yim los ua compost hauv tsev

    Tam sim no, ntau tsev neeg tab tom pib kawm siv cov khoom siv organic ntawm tes los ua cov chiv kom txhim kho cov av ntawm lawv lub vaj, vaj, thiab vaj zaub me me.Txawm li cas los xij, cov compost ua los ntawm qee cov phooj ywg yeej ib txwm tsis zoo tag nrho, thiab qee cov ntsiab lus ntawm kev ua compost Me ntsis paub, Yog li peb&#...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Yuav ua li cas tswj qhov kub thiab txias thaum lub sij hawm composting?

    Yuav ua li cas tswj qhov kub thiab txias thaum lub sij hawm composting?

    Raws li cov lus qhia ntawm peb cov khoom yav dhau los, thaum lub sij hawm composting txheej txheem, nrog rau cov intensification ntawm microbial kev ua si nyob rau hauv cov khoom, thaum tshav kub tso tawm los ntawm cov kab mob decomposing cov organic teeb meem yog ntau tshaj qhov kub noj ntawm compost, lub compost tempe. .
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Yuav siv straw li cas thaum composting?

    Yuav siv straw li cas thaum composting?

    Straw yog cov pov tseg tom qab peb sau nplej, nplej, thiab lwm yam qoob loo.Txawm li cas los xij, raws li peb txhua tus paub, vim muaj cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb ntawm straw, nws tuaj yeem ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm kev ua compost.Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ua haujlwm ntawm straw composting yog txheej txheem ntawm mineralization thiab hu ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Basic paub txog sludge composting

    Basic paub txog sludge composting

    Qhov sib xyaw ntawm sludge yog complex, nrog ntau qhov chaw thiab hom.Tam sim no, txoj hauv kev tseem ceeb ntawm kev pov tseg cov sludge hauv ntiaj teb yog sludge landfill, sludge incineration, av siv cov peev txheej, thiab lwm yam kev kho mob.Ntau txoj hauv kev pov tseg muaj lawv qhov zoo thiab qhov txawv ntawm ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Cov nyhuv ntawm Oxygen rau Composting

    Cov nyhuv ntawm Oxygen rau Composting

    Feem ntau hais lus, composting muab faib ua aerobic composting thiab anaerobic composting.Aerobic composting yog hais txog cov txheej txheem decomposition ntawm cov ntaub ntawv organic nyob rau hauv muaj oxygen, thiab nws cov metabolites feem ntau yog carbon dioxide, dej, thiab cua sov;thaum anaerobic composting hais txog t ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Dab tsi yog qhov dej noo zoo rau compost?

    Dab tsi yog qhov dej noo zoo rau compost?

    Cov dej noo yog ib qho tseem ceeb hauv cov txheej txheem compost fermentation.Lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm dej hauv compost yog: (1) Dissolve organic teeb meem thiab koom nrog cov metabolism hauv cov kab mob;(2) Thaum cov dej evaporates, nws tshem tawm cov cua sov thiab ua lub luag haujlwm hauv kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias ntawm ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Yuav Ua Li Cas Kho Cov Carbon rau Nitrogen Ratio hauv Composting Raw Materials

    Yuav Ua Li Cas Kho Cov Carbon rau Nitrogen Ratio hauv Composting Raw Materials

    Hauv cov ntawv dhau los, peb tau hais txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm "carbon to nitrogen ratio" hauv kev tsim cov chiv ntau zaus, tab sis tseem muaj ntau tus neeg nyeem uas tseem muaj kev tsis ntseeg txog lub tswv yim ntawm "carbon to nitrogen ratio" thiab yuav ua li cas khiav lag luam.Tam sim no peb yuav los.Dis...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • 4 cov kauj ruam ntawm qhib-cua qhov rai compost ntau lawm

    4 cov kauj ruam ntawm qhib-cua qhov rai compost ntau lawm

    Open-air windows piles compost production tsis tas yuav tsum muaj kev tsim kho ntawm kev cob qhia thiab cov khoom siv installation, thiab cov khoom siv kho vajtse kuj tsawg.Nws yog txoj kev tsim khoom tau txais los ntawm feem ntau cov nroj tsuag compost tam sim no.1. Pretreatment: Qhov chaw pretreatment yog heev importa ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Lub ntiaj teb kev ua lag luam compost loj yuav tsum tshaj 9 billion US dollars nyob rau hauv 2026

    Lub ntiaj teb kev ua lag luam compost loj yuav tsum tshaj 9 billion US dollars nyob rau hauv 2026

    Raws li txoj kev kho cov khib nyiab, composting yog hais txog kev siv cov kab mob xws li kab mob, actinomycetes, thiab fungi uas tau muab faib rau hauv cov xwm txheej, nyob rau hauv qee yam khoom tsim, los txhawb kev hloov pauv ntawm biodegradable organic teeb meem mus rau hauv cov humus ruaj khov hauv kev tswj hwm. .
    Nyeem ntxiv